This blog was created for the Relief Society Organization of the Lakeview Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's purpose is to share information, unite the members and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ and each other. This is NOT an official site of the LDS Church and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcome, Sisters!

As Sister Leffler announced in RS this morning, we have set up this blog so we can share our latest updates with each other; our families, our missionaries, our recipes, reminders, pictures - anything you can think of, I can post.  Maybe you know of someone in need of food, maybe you want to thank someone, maybe you have a prayer request, maybe something you saw today really cracked you up and you will bust if you don't share it!  I personally made a promise to Sister Leffler to keep my cursing at a minimum and I am terrible with names so gossip won't be an issue either.  Yet.

I haven't figured out how to enable an "open post" capability, so if you'd like to post something, email it to me and I will get it posted as soon as possible.

To make a comment is easy, I promise.  Click on the "Comment" button (it might actually say '0 comments') below the post.  Type in your message and you can sign out with your Google account (if you have one) or you can just click on "Name/URL" - then type in your name and leave the URL blank - it will appear as a "0".  If you don't want anyone to know who is writing the comment, you can always click on "Anonymous".  Be careful, though, I will still know :)  I will also update on a weekly basis, probably every Sunday night or Monday morning.

The look of the blog is very basic.  I am completely open to suggestions and ideas of what to add.  We'll start from here and see what you all prefer to see.

This is an amazing way to reach out to each other as it seems we don't have enough time to catch up at church.  Don't worry if you feel a little awkward at first - I have plenty of stories to share to break the ice.

Have a wonderful week!

Lori Brower


  1. Thanks Lori - this will wonderful. I look forward to everyone's posts!

  2. Lori, you are awesome! This will be great.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to provide this service for us.

  4. Wow! This means I may finally get to know what's going on with everyone. Thanks

  5. The blog looks great. Thanks for doing this.
