This blog was created for the Relief Society Organization of the Lakeview Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It's purpose is to share information, unite the members and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ and each other. This is NOT an official site of the LDS Church and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

108 Year Old Woman Survivor of a Nazi Concentration Camp

I was sent a link to watch an interview by Anthony Robbins of an 108 year old woman that survived a Nazi concentration camp.  I actually had it in my inbox for a month before I finally took the time to watch it.  I feel badly that I missed an entire month of not hearing this lovely woman's words.  So, I share this with you...

Although the main message she delivers is about gratitude, the following quote impacted me tremendously:

"Hatred eats the soul of the hater, not the hated."  Alice Herz Sommer

I also paid particular attention to when she talked about being a mother to her five-year old son, "He saw me laughing.  How can a child not laugh when he hears his mother laugh?"  I love that part.

I hope this brought you a smile, or at least something to think about.

With gratitude, of course -

Lori Brower